Saturday, September 29, 2012

Things I wish one of the candidates would say

     As the presidential election lumbers to its conclusion in November, I have decided that the only certainty in politics is that a country always gets the government it deserves - which is both a curse and a blessing. In the case of the United States, as I listen to what each party says about the other candidate, I am reminded of the old Woody Allen quote – “Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”  
   Which leads me to the subject of this posting: Things I wish one of the candidates would say:
1.      Leave well enough alone. Since the 1970’s the U.S. middle class has shrunk due to the influence of lobbyists working on behalf of the rich and multi-national corporations to change laws that were working quite well up until then.
2.      Neither a borrower not a lender be. The U.S. has a massive debt because even though we were already the richest country in the world, we still felt the need to borrow money to fund our extravagances. All of us are to blame. The legislators were cravenly buying our votes in return for promises we couldn’t afford, but we the people accepted their bribes in return for our votes.
3.      Don't let the fox into the hen house. The 2008 economic meltdown was caused by the economic policies of both parties. A poorly regulated housing market, two unfunded wars, and a poorly regulated financial industry were the cause. Thank you Democrats and Republicans.
4.      Love of money is the root of all evil. The U.S. election process is broken. The supremely near-sighted U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United ruling allowing the creation of Super PACs has given the rich undue influence over elections and candidates.
5.      The hand cannot say to the eye I have no need of thee. The country needs the entrepreneurs and the job creators, but the job creators also need the worker bees to bring their dreams to life and to buy the products and services that make the job creators rich. If you kill the middle class, you’ll still have your rich, but you’ll have fewer of them and the pie will be smaller for everyone. Note: If you doubt this, consider the economic history of the U.S. in the de-regulated 1800s as opposed to the regulated post-depression 1900s.
6.   Every abortion is a tragedy. While it is necessary in some rare cases, it shouldn't be used as a form of birth control. No one really knows when the spirit enters the body, so, for that reason, if for no other, we should err on the side of caution when it comes to abortion. And late-term, partial-birth abortions where the child is delivered live and then put to death afterwards is legalized murder. Virtually all of us fervently cling to life even if our circumstances aren't the best. If all those silenced male and female babies had a voice, they would plead eloquently for their lives.

Best regards,


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